With the remaining 6 divisions, 3 of which are fully equipped tank regiments, you shall make a naval invasion order from Hamburg directly to Dunkirk and Calais. For the time being I recommend grouping them into one full army and putting them on the border with France, as they will be useful later on to hold the frontline against the French attackers, when we go to war with them. Germany starts off with approximately 30 divisions, 24 of them being full infantry with support companies, which are already trained to the highest possible level. Now let us begin with the actual preparations. Just to let you know, if you are interested in the guide I wrote about the German empire, be sure to follow the link below to find out how to form the Holy Roman Empire, as well as the European Union. That is what this guide is all about and today I am going to be showing you, how to build a strong and powerful Germany in practically no time and also how to conquer the western powers in mid-1937 and later take over the Soviet Union if you choose so. In Hearts of Iron 4 you may try and see for yourself in the article below or view it on my YouTube channel. In particular, how would the Axis victory reflect on the shape of the political borders of the different countries not only in Europe, but in the world in general. Scorched Earth tactics, floating harbors and special supply units added to the logistics system.ĭesign your own armored force using modules prioritizing speed, gun power, armor or even production cost.Ĭommission the grandest, most prestigious of artillery pieces, uniquely designed to deal with entrenched foes, and fortified positions.Have you ever thought about what would have happened if instead of the Allies winning the war, the Axis were the ones to proclaim victory?Īt first, it may sound horrifying, as we all have watched movies or at least played computer games (the most famous of them being “Wolfenstein”, in which this exact scenario is portrayed), but it could also be really interesting to know what would the world look like in such a different universe. Shared alternate history paths for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as unique paths for each.īuild a general staff, drawing on the talents and expertise of available officers to take advantage of changes in technology and tactics.Įmphasize certain characteristics of your military arms, adding general bonuses to certain units types or even aiding division design. Write a new history of Poland, with options to reform the government, entrench the military rule, or support a popular pro-Soviet uprising. Communist Soviet rulers must also deal with a government system full of distrust and betrayal but players can lift up party opposition to its powerful leader, or even pursue a reactionary path of restored monarchy.