They are seen briefly in the episode "Morning Patrol" where 2 of them, armed with MP7's, repel from a helicopter and enter a donut shop. They apparently know much about military tactics. They are the main military force of the combine on earth, and use Sub Machine Guns and Shotguns as their main weapons, along with employing grenades. These are basically humans who have been modified biologically by the combine.

They are seen effortlessly stomping through a city, while soldiers try in vain to fight them off. 2 more synths, the Crab Synth and the Gunship Synth, also appear in the episode "Oils Well" during the invasion scene. It is given the name "Simba" by Mike, and seems to befriend him. The Strider, a large tripod alien with a large and powerful laser mounted on its belly, appears in the episode "Aliens". They are given attached weapons and various mechanical parts to make them useful in combat, and are essentially slaves. These are types of alien life modified by the combine. He is never encountered, but is mentioned occasionally. According to Mike and Dave, he has a commanding and intimidating presence, and anyone he does not like mysteriously "dissapears" the next day. Mike and Dave's commander, "the sarge", is also part of this orginazation. Other metrocops are also encountered, although they are usually part of the background and have no speaking roles. For Mike and Dave's personalities, see the main Civil Protection page. Both main characters are part of this orginazation, and the series itself is named after it. The combine police force on earth, these are the most commonly encountered. Types of Combine Encountered Civil Protection Other Combine branches also appear, and while some are portrayed as sadistic and buisness like, they are also mostly portrayed differently than in Half Life 2. Both Mike and Dave are wisecracking and sarcastic, and very rarley abuse their power. The 2 main characters, Mike and Dave, greatly contrast the image of the sadistic, violent cop depicted in the game.